R-Voice: Co-Create the Game / Governance

Governed by us, the Players of our Infinite Game!

Our approach to governance is simple.

We believe that the more we contribute to our movement and the more connected we are with ourselves and the rest of life - the wiser our decisions for our movement will be. "R-Voice" attempts to capture this approach by using a "Voice Token" that represents how much "weight our voice carries". Meaning, the more tokens we earn the more powerful our votes on proposals are. This is a different take on democracy where not everyone's voice is equal. As not everyone is contributing or participating equally. Players earn "R-Voice" by:

  • Completing Quests.

  • Claiming Contribution Requests (sharing the ways you've contributed to the movement, giving it an assigned value, and making a proposal for the community to vote on). Get in touch with a core member for more info.

Quests are designed in a way that completing them would help someone become more connected with life through direct experiences, and thereby potentially imbued with more wisdom. In this way we're creating an Infinite Game governed by those who've gained the most wisdom in our Game. As always, this is just the beginning and we'll continue to change how our governance operates together as we play.

Last updated