Basic Village Template

Basic Village Template



  • to explicitly to meet these needs [explicitly mention needs] of members and the needs [explicitly mention needs] of the ecological region it exists within.

  • to pool various forms of capital [explicitly mention capital] amongst members to better accomplish the goal of [explicitly mention goals].

  • In 2030 we'll be living this way [explicitly mention lifestyle goals] amongst each-other and in relation with our land [explicitly mention relationship to Earth and non-human life].

Note: Successful purpose policies are discriminate so that they can be used by the community to help guide decisions and evolve through conflict.

Vital Initial Policies

These initial policies are set for a community by the catalyst team (those who form the structure for the community launch). These policies need to be in place from the start and are able to be adapted, evolved, and changed by the growing community over time.

  • Vision, values, purpose "What are we co-creating?"

  • Patterns of co-creation "How do we co-create?"

  • Membership criteria "Who is a member, how, and how do members leave?"

  • Conflict evolution processes "How do we evolve through conflict?"

  • Initial Circles, Roles, Archetypes and Quests "How can I contribute to this community? How are contributions reciprocated (e.g. how do people get compensated?)"

  • Governance process "How do we evolve and change? Who makes decisions and how?"

Note: It may be helpful when policies are exclusive. A successful catalyst team is establishing a container that will attract some people and repel others. If the container is designed to attract everyone (be as inclusive as possible) it's unlikely to survive the early stages of community formation (mature communities can be more inclusive to all energy as they scale). Such as, a good policy isn't "we want to be kind" as this may likely apply to every a community. Instead a policy may read "we choose to show kindness and compassion for members as a priority over financial survival which we deem to be less important than how we treat each-other" which many communities may not actually agree with.

Membership policies

New Member Policies (Select 1)

  • (T) Token-based Open Membership Prospective members obtain (earn, buy, gift, etc) a token to the organization which grants membership.

  • (B) Badge-governed Closed Membership The member(s) within a community holding the "Member Enroller" Badge have the power to accept new memberships under whatever criteria that community has established and entrusted to the badge holding members. This allows for an infinite variety of membership models.

  • (R) Role-governed Closed Membership The members of a community directly govern membership for all other members by deciding who holds the "Membership Role" using the governance policies of that organization. This way all members may participate in deciding membership criteria.

Maintaining Membership Policies (Select 1)

  • (T) Token-based Open Membership Members who hold tokens to the organization are considered a member and cannot have this right revoked as long as they hold tokens.

  • (B) Badge-governed Closed Membership The member(s) within a community holding the "Member Enroller" Badge have the power to revoke memberships under whatever criteria that community has established and entrusted to the badge-holding members.

  • (R) Role-governed Closed Membership The members of a community directly govern membership for all other members by deciding who holds the "Membership Role" using the governance policies of that organization. This way all members may participate in deciding membership criteria.

Governance policies

Voice token decay (Select 1): How power transitions from previous members to the most current contributing body of members.

  • 1 year Voice token half-life Members' Voice Tokens degrade by 50% each year. So, that by the 4th year of contributions all equally contributing members are made roughly equal in voice holdings.

  • 6 month Voice token half-life Members Voice Tokens degrade by 50% every 6 months. So, that by the 2nd year of contribution all members are made roughly equal in voice holdings.

  • No Voice token half-life Members' Voice does not degrade. So, if someone has been contributing high value for 10 years and leaves; they will hold more voice then all new members until they have contributing the same value (which could take 10 years).

  • Something else? Each DHO can decide their own Voice token decay rate and customize to their needs.

Voice token issuance (Select 1): How is power distributed to the current contributing body of members.

  • 1 Voice token earned each period a member contributes Members earn the same amount of Voice for each period they're actively contributing.

  • Voice tokens earned are equal to the value of the contribution Members earn different amounts of Voice depending on the value of their contribution.

  • Something else? Each DHO can decide their own Voice token issuance rate and customize to their needs.

Other policies

  • Voice of Nature (optional) This policy gives veto rights to any decision to a "Voice of Nature" role that is held by a member of the community who's role is to speak for the rights of Earth.

  • Communication patterns This policy lays out how the community communicates. For example, is it a policy to use non-violent communication, or to use memes for every proposal and keep them below X characters, etc.

  • Interaction with adjacent communities This policy lays out how the community interacts with communities its adjacent to or within (e.g. the nation state, other tribes, etc).


Anchor Circle - Where the core team exists and any role that does not fit into an existing circle

Food Circle - Focus on providing food for the community

Housing Circle - Focus on providing housing for the community

Storytelling Circle - Focus on telling the story of the community

Human Regeneration Circle - Focus on the wide diversity of conditions for nurturing the human - such as consciously supporting with the phases of human development.

Ecosystem Regeneration Circle - Focus on the wide diversity of conditions for nurturing the Earth - such as consciously supporting the regeneration of the ecosystem.


Roles & Archetypes

Building and Developing

Focus on coding, construction, engineering, and creating the tools, projects, buildings, etc.

These roles in a DHO focus on the physical construction of a project.

Researching and Architecting

Focus on exploring, experimenting, and architecting new systems, tools, villages, food forests, and any other process of a project

Focus on discovering what the community and project most needs, and designing pathways to how we can best provide it.

Facilitating and Space Holding

Focus on facilitating healthy spaces to co-create within. Creating and maintaining processes for tension evolution and actively monitoring and supporting the health of the community. These are the people roles that help the whole project run smoothly.

Focus on the people, community building, org processes, hosting events, etc... and the human structures of a DHO/team/village itself.

Catalysing and Connecting

Building bridges, nurturing connections, creating alliances, helping others join the project you're making, etc. Anything that supports healthy expansion. Catalyst roles are also the foundational role for setting up a new project.

Focus on growing the projects' impact.

Storytelling and Communicating

Creating engaging, inspiring and beautiful invitations and descriptions of what a project is doing. Creating visions of the more beautiful world we're co-creating.

Salary Bands

Compensation models (Select 1)

  • Egalitarian Compensation All roles are paid the same. There is only 1 default compensation band.

  • Equitable Compensation Roles are compensated based on the value added for each major role type. Here there is 2-N compensation bands for each project to detail. Some examples include:

    • 3 Knowledge Bands - Apprentice, Journeyman, Elder

    • 7 Complexity Bands - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 - where each band increases in the complexity (and knowledge, skills, etc) required to fulfil the role.

  • Open Compensation Compensation is decided on a role-by-role basis as each new role proposal to the organization can have any form of compensation attached to it. This ability and freedom remains for every project, regardless if the default is one of the above models.


  • Moderator Badge - +5% Voice Multiplier +2.5% Village Token Multiplier

  • Enroller Badge - +10% Voice Multiplier +5% Village Token Multiplier

  • Facilitator Badge - +10% Voice Multiplier +5% Village Token Multiplier

  • Treasurer Badge - +10% Voice Multiplier +5% Village Token Multiplier

  • etc.


  • Annotate community calls - Provide chapter headers and notes

  • Plant trees and gardens - Regenerate the project

  • etc.

Launch Process


    1. Select your launch template choosing the options above or providing your own.

    2. Ensure there are enough existing members committed to filling all the initial roles and badges before initiating launch week.


    1. Conduct a "Launch Week" where all members are able to propose assignments to the initial roles decide who the initial role and badge holders will be (this is of vital importance as these initial roles have outsized influence on the fate of the project) and membership needs to make these decisions wisely.

  3. Empower role holders to carry the organization forward.

Last updated