
A living version (we'll update this throughout each season) of our incubation roadmap that the 13 projects each season go through.


We'll go over each section during the weekly sessions following a 3 step pattern:

  1. Session explaining the next step. Teams work on the next step during the week.

  2. Showcase session where each projects shares where they're currently at, what they're currently thinking. Teams may continue to expand on or rework their models.

  3. Showcase session where each project shares where they're currently at. Once 9 projects have finalized their models we move on to the next step.

Step by Step

1. Start with Heart:

Form a shared "Welcome to 2030" video showcasing the 13 projects.

2. Co-create the economic and organizational structure for each project.

3. Co-create the legal and land ownership/stewardship structure for each project.

4. Financial and sustainability (thrivability) structure (business models, etc).

4. Co-create Crowdpooling event

5. Co-create Regen Civics Festivals to initiate once projects reach crowdpooling milestones

6. Co-create shared economic frameworks

7. Continue to co-create, co-learn and coordinate as projects move into member status and a new cohort of 13 regenerative projects are selected.

Last updated