Building Blocks of Civilization
From a wider lens it seems obvious what's going on here.
Evidence suggests that humanity started with an incredibly diverse abundance of social systems employed by various tribes across time and space.
Over time we've centralized into a few dominant (those who were the most hostile and agressive with expansion) economic models.
One thing we may be experiencing today is 'peak centralisation' as the expansion-fueled economic systems have reached their maximum limits of growth - as we have, for the first time in recorded history, a global economic system.
What we're seeing now is the start of a long decentralising process where we're once again moving towards a diversity of social systems that humans can choose to be a part of and to start meaningfully meeting their needs and living their lives within systems of their choosing.
The beautiful thing about this time around is we're doing so within the context of a global civilization; where humans have more freedom of mobility and choice to discover which systems they would like to be a part of and best suit their vision and values.
Creating new societies is political
Creating new societies is inherently political, as it requires us to have self-conscious and collective dialogues about the "proper" way to live.
In SEEDS we believe that being "regenerative" is the "proper" way to live.
Problem is, we're not completely sure what "regenerative" means yet and we're only just beginning to explore what it means to have a globally regenerative economy.
We can learn from pioneers like R3.0, Earthwise, Buckminster Fuller Institute, and many others to establish a foundation into this world of study and to orient our initial economic theories around.
While these groups are paving the path with knowledge, SEEDS is practically applying this knowledge to build tools for transition.
Dogmas and 'shoulds'
Regeneration is a continual exploration and not a dogma.
This space isn't to say how we should live our lives. Rather its an open library of successful patterns that we've all discovered in our quests to create more beautiful and regenerative social systems.
By learning out loud, sharing effective templates, processes, strategies, and guides others in our movement can learn from our successes and avoid the traps we've already climbed out of.
Building blocks of civilization
SEEDS an economic system & Seeds a currency
Just as Europe is so much more than the Euro, SEEDS (the ecosystem and economy) is so much more than Seeds (a single token within the economy).
We like to think of it this way:
Regenerative Renaissance = Global movement to build Regenerative Civilizations (way bigger than just us).
Seeds = one token with the SEEDS economic system that's most familiar to folks (like national currencies). However, there are many tokens within SEEDS, and the community is designing more all the time.
When you go to another country & economy today you exchange one currency (such as Euros) to the next (such as Pesos). Likewise when people enter the SEEDS economy they may exchange their local currencies to Seeds to do so.
Building blocks of civilization
For example, we can think of Bitcoin as an alternative financial system (alternative to the USD and the Fed, Euro and ECB, etc) while SEEDS is an alternative economic system (alternative to capitalism, mercantilism, feudalism, communism, etc).
Economic systems
SEEDS (Seeding Equitable, Ecological and Decentralised Societies) / Capitalism / Feudalism / the many Gift and Sharing Economies / etc.
Provides foundations for...
Financial systems
Seeds (the token, and other tokens & currencies within SEEDS) / Euros / Pesos / Bitcoin / Reputation / Mutual Credit / Karma / etc.
Provides foundations for...
Firms & Organizational systems
DAO's & DHO's (decentralised and directly democratic organisations) / Corporations / NPOs / NGOs / Charities / Tribes / etc.
Where we spend a significant part of our lives and energy...
A global economy in transition
One goal within SEEDS is to use new types of economic building blocks to help our global economic systems transition into regenerative economies.
Last updated