Contributing to the Knowledge Base

This space is an open-source gift to the Global Commons anyone can contribute. You can click on the link below to gain editor access to suggest changes!

Switch to editor mode / invite to become an "Editor" <-- Click here

Guide made by Gitbook on how to make edits

Contributor compensation

Fundamentally SEEDS is an economic system redesigning how we distribute value to those who give value. As an ecosystem we'll continue to improve how we recognize and reward contributions to the commons (such as updating this Wiki).

All contributions to the SEEDS Commons Wiki are tracked through Gitbooks and these contributions can (and very likely will) be retroactively used to compensate contributors as we continue to build the systems that more easily reflect value to contributors (who weren't already in a role to create this Wiki).

You're encouraged to help improve this process!

Standing Quests

See the SEEDS Commons DHO for standing quests for the Commons Knowledge Base (this gitbook).

Quest & contribution suggestions

QUEST Whenever you see a "QUEST" hint in bold. It's sharing an opportunity to contribute.


QUEST [Insert short explanation of the task] Learn about Quests here.

Last updated