Simple Investment Group Template

Important legal note Highly encouraged to consult a lawyer before setting up a shared profit-making enterprise. If your DHO or DAO is intended to be a for-profit enterprise or if it resembles a traditional company then it's likely that it needs to be set up as a legal entity (can create a Wyoming DAO LLC). For further information: "Limiting membership to 100 people or fewer, some DAOs are also able to skirt SEC rules, since they fall under a quaint 82-year-old “investment club” exemption—so long as the participants are all involved in managing their DAO and don’t publicly offer their securities/tokens.

Suggested for:

  • Groups wanting to pool capital to jointly invest in shared opportunities.

Org name

[A great name that captures what type of organization structure this is]


[Initial purpose]


[Initial policies]

Membership policy

[What is the criteria for joining and leaving the org]


[Initial circles]


[Initial roles]


[Is the org using archetypes or not, and if so, which]

Salary Bands

[How many salary bands (different levels of pay) does the org offer?]


[Initial badges]


[Initial standing quests]

Template submitted by [your name] of [your org, if applicable]

Last updated