Blockchains and other DLT's

[Creator Domain]

These tools are maintained by the Hypha DHO.

Blockchains and other DLT’s (Distributed Ledger Technologies) are simply tools (not tribalistic identities); where Members are encouraged to use the best tools available to create regenerative economic systems with.

Members use blockchain(s) and other DLT tools in order to:

  1. scale trust and coordination without concentrating power,

  2. reduce coercion, fraud, and exploitation (and ability for hostile takeover),

  3. increase network resiliency and uptime.

Key features to look for when deciding what DLT's would serve a regenerative economy.

Current blockchains and implementation roadmap

Integrating with more "layer 1's" connects SEEDS to more tools, people, and projects.


  1. We scale trust by making protocols and outcomes transparent, so that everyone can see what is going on.

  2. We reduce coercion by removing the positions of concentrated power that give rise to rewards for coercion in the first place. Ultimate power ultimately corrupts, if we remove those positions of power by removing the “middleman” and “pyramidical hierarchies” and other positions of great power, we reduce the negative effects of coercion and conspiracy.

  3. Blockchains are notorious for high runtimes. Bitcoin has a 99.9% uptime. Using this reliable technology SEEDS can remain accessible to more people, more often without the ability to be easily shut down, sold, or otherwise centrally manipulated.

    1. If your business depends on PayPal and they change prices, sell, go out of business, lose access to servers, sell your data, get hacked or more, then this can fundamentally harm your business. Running a business on SEEDS would be more reliable than centralised financial options.

  4. Members are encouraged to evolve beyond the tribalistic, dogmatic and religious tendencies surrounding the use of DLT tools (such as Bitcoin) and to employ the best DLT’s for any given situation. For example Holochain is a type of DLT that’s not a blockchain that is ideally designed for some types of situations.

Last updated