Light Wallet

[Creator Domain]

This tool is maintained by the Hypha DHO.

Mobile App: Apple | Android Open Source Code

The Light Wallet offers an enterprise-grade and simplified tool to participate in SEEDS.

The Light Wallet comes with the following key features:

  • Basic and advanced wallets (send/receive a variety of tokens and other things you'd expect in a wallet).

  • Access and sign your actions on your DAO / DHO (decentralised organisation) or Swaps sites (decentralised exchanges).

  • Setup “Key Guardians” to recover your account should you lose your keys. Dramatically reducing the risk of participating in web3 tools and avoiding the "I lost my hard drive and life savings" headlines.

  • Setup your storefront, marketstall, or business on SEEDS to accept payments.

  • Vote on governance proposals, delegate your voice to other Citizens, Flag members, and other governance functions

  • And much more.

Overviews and how to's

Send & receive a variety of tokens free and instant to anyone in the world

Explore and vote on governance proposals

Sign actions across our wider ecosystem

Delegate your governance voice to other members

Last updated