Welcome to the foundations!
The foundations are just that. Our foundations. It's what binds our community together, gives us shared purpose and a sense of direction.
This space holds all the agreements that require an official vote by the Citizens of SEEDS to ratify and/or amend these agreements and documents.
Foundation Hierarchy
As we move higher up the foundational documents from the Constitution (1) to Roadmap (4) and beyond we
For example, the SEEDS Constitution (why we're here, where we're going, what our values are, etc) changes the least, while our Roadmap (how we are currently attempting to get to where we're going) and our Guide (the tools and protocols we're currently using to progress) will change more often as we navigate and co-create our new civilization together.
Evolutionary journey
This evolutionary journey will continue as Citizens propose, discuss and ratify (vote-in) individual changes to the SEEDS Game Guide and Constitution, using the SEEDS governance processes. SEEDS is a journey - there is no final destination. The protocols, systems and economics are designed to evolve as our journey progresses, creating new possibilities and methods for scaling and evolving our global coordination towards Regenerative Civilizations.
Last updated