A new Path towards the Regenerative Renaissance

The regenerative renaissance

It is important to note that the overall purpose of the Seeds currency has not changed and is “to serve the Regenerative Renaissance by co-creating economic, governance, and financial systems for regenerative and thriving Civilizations.” (SEEDS Constitution, Article 2). Our approach must align with and augment the previous thinking developed in the Seeds community - see the conditions of satisfaction for SEEDS tokenomics (courtesy of Jon Love).


Purpose-driven Tokenomics Model

The purpose of Seeds remains clear: We are building a regenerative human society on Earth. And we see that the way money is created, distributed and used is key to whether human activities are fundamentally extractive or regenerative.

In late 2021, it became clear that the original tokenomics design was insufficient in a number of ways, including the need to truly ground the value of our token(s) to the actual value of the regenerative activities that have been stimulated, and that this regenerative currency needs now itself needs to be regenerated.

To this end the “Seeds Currency Working Group” was formed and has created a model of a mutually interacting “Family of Seeds Currencies,” which we will be implementing over the next year.

This model includes three levels of Seeds currency:

  • the Market Seeds,

  • the Constant Seeds,

  • and Community Seeds.

The Community Seeds will be used inside local communities encouraging and rewarding regenerative activities that will be measured and reported. These Community Seeds will be convertible into Constant Seeds, designed to maintain constant purchasing power, offsetting inflation of fiat currencies, which also allows easy transportability of value from one community to another.

The “Market Seed” is designed to reflect the entire value of the SEEDS ecosystem. It will be issued by the Seeds Commons as the primary way of generating working capital to build and operate this Family of Seeds Currencies.

Alongside the currency tokens, and right at the centre of the model, the Seeds Index plays an essential "balancing act" between the market forces and the reality of the regeneration created on the ground. The Seeds Index protects the equilibrium of the Seeds ecosystem as a whole by moderating the fluctuations and spreading the corresponding value generated - that would otherwise be captured by the markets themselves - throughout the Seeds ecosystem, where this working capital is most needed for the purpose of regeneration.

We believe that this regeneration of the Seeds tokenomics can lead the way toward creating the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. The Seeds Tokenomics 2.0 sets out a new path to rectify the original failings and re-launch the Seeds currency ecosystem in a robust and resilient way.

Last updated