It is important to note that the overall purpose of the Seeds currency has not changed and is “to serve the Regenerative Renaissance by co-creating economic, governance, and financial systems for regenerative and thriving Civilizations.” (SEEDS Constitution, Article 2). Our approach must align with and augment the previous thinking developed in the Seeds community - see the conditions of satisfaction for SEEDS tokenomics (courtesy of Jon Love).
The purpose of Seeds remains clear: We are building a regenerative human society on Earth. And we see that the way money is created, distributed and used is key to whether human activities are fundamentally extractive or regenerative.
In late 2021, it became clear that the original tokenomics design was insufficient in a number of ways, including the need to truly ground the value of our token(s) to the actual value of the regenerative activities that have been stimulated, and that this regenerative currency needs now itself needs to be regenerated.
To this end the “Seeds Currency Working Group” was formed and has created a model of a mutually interacting “Family of Seeds Currencies,” which we will be implementing over the next year.
This model includes three levels of Seeds currency:
the Market Seeds,
the Constant Seeds,
and Community Seeds.
The Community Seeds will be used inside local communities encouraging and rewarding regenerative activities that will be measured and reported. These Community Seeds will be convertible into Constant Seeds, designed to maintain constant purchasing power, offsetting inflation of fiat currencies, which also allows easy transportability of value from one community to another.
The “Market Seed” is designed to reflect the entire value of the SEEDS ecosystem. It will be issued by the Seeds Commons as the primary way of generating working capital to build and operate this Family of Seeds Currencies.
Alongside the currency tokens, and right at the centre of the model, the Seeds Index plays an essential "balancing act" between the market forces and the reality of the regeneration created on the ground. The Seeds Index protects the equilibrium of the Seeds ecosystem as a whole by moderating the fluctuations and spreading the corresponding value generated - that would otherwise be captured by the markets themselves - throughout the Seeds ecosystem, where this working capital is most needed for the purpose of regeneration.
We believe that this regeneration of the Seeds tokenomics can lead the way toward creating the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. The Seeds Tokenomics 2.0 sets out a new path to rectify the original failings and re-launch the Seeds currency ecosystem in a robust and resilient way.
It is important to note that ALL the existing Seeds (also called legacy Seeds or genesis Seeds) will be honoured in this new model and will be converted to fit into the new Seeds currency Family.
Original Seeds Tokenomics available here
All existing Seeds will be progressively converted to new Market Seeds following the process described below:
At Horizon 1:
We invite legacy liquid Seeds token holders to plant their Seeds as a first step of the transition to the new SEEDS currency family.
Important: The "Unplanting" feature is disabled
Execution steps
Step 0. Nothing happens, everything in token.seeds (legacy) is exactly as it is right now.
Step 1. The new multi-layer world design is announced (Seeds Tokenomics 2.0 + communication). This will be seeds.seeds.
Step 2. The "Unplanting" feature is disabled. The transition process for legacy Seeds is defined to be via planting. At any point in time, anyone with legacy Seeds can plant them (just like they can do now). The history of their planting is recorded on the blockchain, so we know how long each of their legacy Seeds has been planted.
At Horizon 2:
All legacy Liquid Seeds tokens that are planted are automatically converted into new Market Seeds (1:1). These new Market Seeds remain planted.
A small percentage of the planted Market Seeds will then be unplanted as a reward for early adopters. The percentage is based on when genesis Seeds were planted (some have been planted months ago, this needs to be rewarded) as well as on a pro-rata basis. More discussion required on the calculations.
The Seeds Commons Market Seeds Collaborative sale ("cosale") can start.
Execution steps
Step 3. When the creation of the new Market Seeds in the multi-layer world begins (seeds.seeds), there will be a date announced for the initial migration. On that date, a new Market Seed will be automatically created and planted in the new world in each person's account for each planted legacy Seed (1:1), and those planted legacy Seeds will all be burned.
At the end of this transition moment, the number of the new Market Seeds in existence will be exactly the same as the number of previously planted legacy Seeds, and all those legacy Seeds will be burned. There will be zero liquid Market Seeds at this stage.
Step 4. At this point, a certain percentage (small-ish) of these newly created and planted Market Seeds will be unplanted and made liquid. The percentage to be made liquid will be decided as part of the design of the new Market Seeds.
The Market Seeds to be made liquid will be mathematically allocated in a fair way, giving an increased amount based on how long the legacy Seeds had been planted. Thus there is a benefit to planting more legacy Seeds and planting them for a longer time. We can work out the formula easily and clearly.
Perhaps there will also be an additional (small-ish) unplanting of some of these, on a pro-rata basis. These configuration percentages would need to be agreed to as part of the details of design of the transition.
Step 5. The SEEDS Commons will then choose an initial amount of liquid Market Seeds to mint. Requires more thought as the process would likely evolve with the Horizons implementation (e.g. SEEDIDX and CSEEDS).
We would also want to offer a collaborative sales option for people that want to include their liquid Market Seeds for sale.
Note: the legacy world (token.seeds) continues to completely work as it does right now, and people can continue to use their liquid legacy Seeds as they want. There is only one exception: when they plant their liquid legacy Seeds, then they automatically migrate to newly minted and planted Market Seeds (and the planted legacy Seeds are burned).
At Horizon 3:
The "Unplanting" feature is reactivated and a manual action is required to unplant them. The "unplanting" process takes 13 weeks. Unplanted Market Seeds are liquid Market Seeds.
People can choose NOT to unplant and start receiving the Harvest.
The Harvest protocol will progressively convert deferred Seeds, from Alliances and Hypha contributions, into new Market Seeds. As the ecosystem grows further, the harvest will allocate a % of the harvest to convert deferred Seeds into new Seeds.
All Seeds that are still associated with system accounts will be burned. At the end of the conversion process, there won't be any genesis left in the world and the token.seeds smart contract will be locked. The new smart contract seeds.seeds will hold the new Seeds tokens going forward.
Execution steps
Step 6. Activate the "Unplanting" feature in the new Market Seeds model
Step 7. The locked legacy Seeds (escrow.seeds) are migrated to new Market Seeds and they are also locked in a new contract there with the idea that they will slowly unlock to liquid based on parameters to be defined as part of the Harvest, which would not begin till Horizon 3, or later. More discussion needed on this topic.
Note: Hypha locked legacy seeds (also called Hypha deferred seeds) will be available to be converted to new seeds slowly over time that gives priority to not effecting the viability and integrity of Seeds, perhaps over ten to twenty years, but hopefully earlier. Alliance locked legacy seeds (also called Alliance deferred seeds) and Referral locked legacy Seeds (also called deferred Seeds) will be released over a shorter period of time, perhaps over two to four years, as the priority in this model is given to on-the-ground regeneration.
Step 8. All other legacy Seeds in various buckets (Campaigns, Alliances, Referrals, and Bank) which are not linked to user accounts (ie still in system buckets with no name on them) would all be burned. Whatever liquid legacy Seeds that are still owned by the SEEDS Commons (most likely living in tlosto.seeds) will also be burned.
All the remaining liquid legacy Seeds (in people's accounts, or pTokens, or LPs, or anywhere else) simply stay as liquid in the legacy Seeds world. The only real change there is that unplanting no longer works. Planting is the migration path to the new world. So, there are no airdrops in the new world, rather the new world will create the new Market Seeds in response to the on-chain planting in the old world (people need to press the "plant" button to initiate the migration).
It is important to note that the Go Live event is not relevant anymore in this new model.
In the original Seeds tokenomics design, there were 2 phases: growth + stabilsation. The Go live Event was the time where the SEEDS community was deciding to "go stable".
As in the new model, both volatile Market Seeds (SEEDS), Constant Seeds (CSEEDS) and Community Seeds (OSEEDS) will co-exist together, there is no need to wait for the Go live event to start using Seeds.
It is important to note that the allocation buckets are not relevant anymore in this new model.
In the original Seeds tokenomics, a limited supply was created and allocated to specific buckets. In the new model, new Seeds are minted by the SEEDS Commons based on the needs of the ecosystem in a living budgets fashion. pre-defined buckets are therefore not relevant anymore.
[Citizen Governed]
Changing this space requires a vote from the Citizens of SEEDS.
[Creator Domain]
This space is maintained by the
January 6th, 2020 the Citizens of SEEDS voted 783 to 0 to ratify the initial Seeds allocations found in this document and SEEDS was officially launched! Hypha received its first payment from the Citizens of SEEDS for helping build the tools.
March, 2020 this document served as the basis for the 2nd Seeds request from Hypha in March 2020 detailing how Hypha intended to sell the Seeds it was requesting. Hypha’s proposal passed 495 to 0 on 9th April 2020.
July 9th, 2021 the third milestone request by Hypha was submitted and voted down by the Citizens of SEEDS. This event catalyzed the creation of the SEEDS Commons and passing off ecosystem facilitation from Hypha to the SEEDS Commons.
This document hasn't been copied into the Wiki yet. However, you can find it here.
(!) Work in Progress - Seeds New Tokenomics Proposal
[Citizen Governed]
Changing this space requires a vote from the Citizens of SEEDS.
This document is work in progress and has not been approved by the Citizens of SEEDS.
The purpose of the Seeds Community and Currency is to build a community of people who give priority to the regeneration of our lives together and in relationship with nature. It is a human society freely choosing to giving priority to the common good of all.
The economic design has matured into a multi-layered currency that builds on local currencies focused on regeneration. It also provides both an inflation offsetting currency and a currency that can be traded. The latter will allow investors to both financially benefit and fund our consistently growing and maturing regenerative Seeds Community on Earth.
From all we have learned so far, the picture is now becoming increasingly clear as to how we can design the multi-layered currency and economic system that is connecting all of the pieces of the puzzle together.
The Seeds Tokenomics 2.0 draws on the work of the Seeds Currency Working Group over the last few months. A strong consensus has emerged from that group on how to create a sustainable new ecosystem for the Seeds currency. Before getting into the detail, it is important to highlight the following principles that shaped the discussions:
The following pages document the recommendations of the Seeds Currency Working Group. It is intended that these ideas get heavily socialised to the wider Seeds community. Nothing in here is should be thought of as constituting a unilateral decision or "fait accompli". Feedback and discussion of all kinds is warmly welcomed.
The Seeds communities and projects on the ground form the heart of the ecosystem. Everything in this framework is designed to give them the best possible support. It is a community-first model.
The growth rate of the Seeds ecosystem and its market cap, in this new economic design, are directly - and mathematically - correlated to the regenerative value created by the sum of the Seeds Communities and projects on the ground. This "real-word" value created is materialised by the Seeds Index in the model, which is a representation of the regenerative measurable impact, genuinely imputable to the activities of the Seeds Communities.
The model is focused on quick time-to-market. It is recognised that the projects on the ground need support as quickly as possible. Therefore speed, efficiency, building on technology that already exists has been uppermost in considerations.
The model is also focused on resilience. It envisages a controlled series of implementation phases ("Horizons") that follow logically on from the previous one. It ensures that one Horizon is functionally correctly and robustly before moving to the next Horizon.
Our focus in the early days has been on a single global currency called Seeds. Over time, this vision has been challenged by all of the different learnings we’ve received - from the community, from the experts and from our own understanding of how currencies actually work.
We are now ready to throw off our blinders and myoptic views of the past and move into the next phase, entering a much larger socio-ecological context that engages with multiple forces through multiple types of currencies (a family of Seeds).
"Seeds" has given birth to a new generation of currencies: the Seeds Currency Family Tree:
To put the above chart into more context, think about a cascading value flow between global markets, ecosystems and (hyper)local communities. They each co-depend on each other, amplify each other and provide the means to build healthy and thriving relationships.
This is where Seeds is most vulnerable to open market forces.
Growth patterns are inorganic, top down and highly volatile in this space. In that respect, Seeds is different and has two more contexts to operate in, the Ecosystem Context (or Supply Chain), acting as a “Buffer Zone” and anchored in the middle between open market forces and the third context of (hyper)local market places.
This context is most related to the original vision of Seeds and the revised editions, namely the design of Constant Seeds. It is a buffer zone that introduces stability in a volatile market and prepares the ground for the application of Seeds in (hyper)local contexts.
In a world threatened by accelerating inflation, Constant Seeds offers a place for people to safeguard their purchasing power by offsetting the cost of inflation in their respective regions.
Since the USD, Euros and other fiat currencies are inflationary currencies, the relative price of Constant Seeds in fiat currencies will still go up over time, due to the fiat currencies inflation rate. This is because the purchasing power of the USD and other fiat currencies is actually going down.
This is where the currency hits to road and finds its application in hundreds of hyperlocal pilots across the globe. While the other currencies might be linear, the currency of the (hyper)local context must be circular from the get go. Its growth patterns are organic, whereby each community will experience the currency in a different way finding different adoption patterns to make it successful. Possible patterns are Barter Trade, Mutual Credit, Contribution Accounting or Open Money and many more.
SEEDS Members buying this token (from “SEEDS Commons”) are contributing to the working capital and growth of the Seeds Community around the world. We want its price to be a “proxy” for the success and health of the SEEDS ecosystem. It is not a perfect proxy but the best approximation of one.
Since the Commons can mint gSeeds to cover its working capital and the funding of regenerative projects in community currencies (oSeeds), it will also serve as a source of funding for this purpose. The Commons will telegraph in advance its usual pattern of minting gSeeds, it is expected this will not significantly alter the price of the trading Seeds (gSeeds).
This token is a utility token, a funding path to distribute working capital to the entire ecosystem. Staking this token opens up Harvest (a share of the growth of the entire ecosystem) to be distributed to token holders.
The Constant Seeds token is unique and global and defined to be independent of the cost of inflation. This token is intended to have “constant purchasing power” over time.
The Constant Seeds token is the natural currency for global marketplaces to assist in constant pricing.
These tokens also provide a service to the ecosystem as they connect communities together. Each and every transfer event moving cSeeds from account-A to account-B is happening to facilitate an equal value transfer the other direction. This is a “trade”.
These are (hyper)local Seeds serving a single community where the people in that community have a relationship with each other. A community is typically physically local, but it may be possible that, in some instances, communities emerge around a common purpose across different territories.
Each community can create their own Seeds token; their version of Seeds that best supports their purpose. These local tokens are serving the economic circulation within the boundary of the community.
They derive inherent value from the bonds that define the community, and they can choose a range of “backing” options as might be felt to be useful. The purpose of any such “backing” is to create a strong sense of trust and reliability in the token for use in their community. These tokens could be issued via UBI or in response to inserting "resourced" collectively deemed to be valuable to the community.
They should be primarily “non-transferable” outside of the (hyper)local community that issued them. A relationship with Constant Seeds ("Liquidity Bridge") will be designed to meter flow in and out of each community, so as to be in balance and sustainable.
In order to make this approach successful, we needed the various currency experts within the SEEDS Community to come together and define the new currency model for SEEDS.
We therefore needed an officially recognised workgroup, the Seeds Currency Working Group, that is firmly embedded in the SEEDS ecosystem. The best place to coordinate this (and other) working group(s) is through the SEEDS Commons as a series of independent entities/quests (see top right in the diagram below). Membership in the Seeds Currency Working Group is by invitation and open to anyone inside the SEEDS community.
To support the 3-layer Seeds family, various protocols, gateways and liquidity pools have been designed to create the required balance in the Seeds economic system to create a real change in the world. The diagram below illustrates the likely structure of implementation (subject to change during the implementation project).
Seeds is an autonomous, decentralised and whole financial system which doesn't rely on the health of any other economic systems or currencies. The new Seeds tokenomics model has been designed to be independent from any current economic systems, fiat currencies or other crypto currencies.
The current fiat-based economic systems are in crisis with a high rate of inflation. To that effect, the new Seeds economic model isolates the outward gateways to fiat as independent pieces of the puzzle, so that they don't impact the inward balance of the Seeds ecosystem, should they be threatened, attacked or forced to close by the market forces, regulators or hackers.
Global Market Seeds or gSeeds (Ticker symbol = SEEDS) can be purchased or sold through the following channels:
Seeds Commons and/or Seeds Bank:
Seeds Collaborative token sale.
"Collaborative Selling Contract" where people can post their Seeds they want to sell to the Seeds Commons, who would then add to selling pool and distribute proceeds in a "fair" manner to those in the selling pool (including themselves).
or via Peer-to-Peer exchanges.
In order to keep the Seeds ecosystem independent from the fiat/other cryptocurrencies economic systems, the model doesn't provide a direct gateway between Constant Seeds and the external fiat/crypto world.
To purchase or sell Constant Seeds, token holders must use the internal (Mint/Burn) relationship between Global Market Seeds (SEEDS) and Constant Seeds (CSEEDS).
That doesn't need to mean that the user experience has to be complex or clunky. We are planning on making the conversion very easy by:
Providing a button that will exchange fiat/crypto into Global Market Seeds at market price and then convert them into Constant Seeds (at current Seeds Commons price) in real time.
Providing a button that will convert Constant Seeds (at current Seeds Commons price) into Global Market Seeds and then exchange them into fiat/other crypto on the market at market price.
Both buttons will use the internal (Mint/Burn) relationship between Global Market Seeds and Constant Seeds (See section Internal Relationships section below).
Each community will define the best gateway to fiat/crypto for themselves using prosperity pools. Some communities may decide they do not need a prosperity pool and that all transactions purely remain in the realm of the community agreement within the boundary of the community. Others may see the utility of a prosperity pool allowing community members to purchase or sell Community Seeds for fiat/crypto.
Prosperity pools can be backed by local resources, benefactors, investors money. Each community sets up their community in the best way for them to fulfil their own purpose.
This is an essential relationship as, not only it gives access to constant Seeds that are central to bridge communities with each other and create their liquidity bridges/pools, but also offsets the cost of inflation, providing a valuable service to the entire ecosystem.
This is an internal (Mint/Burn) relationship. How does this relationship work?
The Seeds Commons will determine - to the best of their ability - the cost of inflation for Constant Seeds, based on official figures from respective central banks.
When a Seeds token holder decides to convert some or all of their SEEDS into CSEEDS, they use a convert button in their SEEDS App. This button will then burn their SEEDS and mint new CSEEDS.
The conversion rate takes into account two important parameters:
Market price for SEEDS at the time of the conversion
Current Seeds Commons price for CSEEDS (which includes the cost of inflation)
When a Seeds token holder after some time decides to convert back some or all of their CSEEDS into SEEDS, they use another convert button in their SEEDS App. This button will then burn their CSEEDS and mint new SEEDS. The conversion rate takes into account 2 parameters:
Current Commons price for CSEEDS (which includes the cost of inflation)
Market price for SEEDS at the time of the conversion
That way, the cost of inflation is covered at all time as an independent feature of the SEEDS Economic model. Using the external relationships described above, token holders can then convert to fiat/crypto without losing their purchasing power.
SEEDIDX is a token representing the "sum" of the regenerative value created by Communities using Community Seeds. A redeem function will be available to transform SEEDIDX tokens into a representative "collection" of individual Community Seeds.
There will be natural volatility in the Global Market Seeds, and the design of the SEEDIDX token is to help buffer this volatility, with the direct connection to actual on-the ground projects throughout the ecosystem.
How does this relationship work?
There is an internal (Mint/Burn) relationship between Global Market Seeds and Seeds index tokens:
Global Market Seeds can be converted into Seeds Index tokens.
Seeds Index tokens can be converted back to Global Market Seeds.
Global Market Seeds can be converted into Seeds Index tokens using a conversion button available in the SEEDS Apps. When a Global Market Seeds token holder decides to convert some of their tokens and presses this button, some of their Global Market Seeds will be converted into SeedIDX tokens.
Similarly, Seeds Index tokens can be converted to Global Market Seeds using a conversion button also available in the SEEDS Apps.
The mint/burn relationship between Global Market Seeds and Seeds Index tokens is not intended to be related to pricing. Rather the proxy relationship will happen based on scaling due to Seeds Commons and Harvest issuance of new Global Market Seeds.
Furthermore, in a proposed next step, Seeds Index tokens can be converted further into a series of Community Seeds (representative sample):
This is a one-way internal (Mint/Burn) relationship, burning Seeds Index tokens and converting them to a group of Community Seeds
The ability to convert Seeds Index tokens into Community Seeds will come in one of the further down the road "Horizons", as it depends on a sufficient volume of Communities coming into existence.
People converting (ie burning) Seeds Index tokens for Community Seeds (Minted) can be thought of as a kind of a fee being covered by the stronger communities.
The strength of a community will be defined - amongst other parameters - by the strength of their liquidity bridge to Constant Seeds. Communities who intend to be open and interconnected with other communities to transact, learn, or share will create a bridge to Constant Seeds.
Constant Seeds offsetting the cost of inflation is a reliable reference for Community Seeds conversion from one community to the other as Constant Seeds doesn't lose purchasing power and therefore is a solid, strong and reliable asset for liquidity pools.
The way it works is that each community will be able to mint their own Community Seeds (OSEEDS) using the rainbow protocol - see below. They will then acquire the equivalent value in Constant Seeds (CSEEDS) to create their liquidity pool.
The Seeds Index is an aggregation from the ground up. Global Market Seeds (also called gSeeds) are driven by the markets.
The balance between Market Seeds and Seeds Index tokens is what connects open financial markets forces with regenerative measurable outcomes on the ground. If we manage to maintain both of them approximately equal (proxy), we then have a model which is grounded and primarily focused on regeneration. That wouldn't be possible if the Seeds Index tokens were volatile and subject to the financial markets dynamics.
If we put the Seeds Index in direct interaction with the financial markets, we would lose the reference to actual regeneration measurable outcomes. Market forces would interfere with this evaluation. Keeping them separate but strongly connected guarantees we keep integrity, purpose and focus in the way we communicate on actual results and positive change on the ground.
Potential Working Draft Concept
a) At Time 0
Say that 12 pilots are operational on the ground, and that SEEDIDX is worth 1.2M of regenerative value on the ground (Say 100K per pilot on average).
The Seeds Commons can then mint 1.2M worth of gSeeds to match the current value of SEEDIDX bringing 1.2M of working capital to develop the tools, processes, knowledge, templates etc... to support communities.
Say that the price of gSeeds is now going up, bringing the market cap of gSeeds to 1.4M. Then the SEEDS Bank and/or SEEDS Commons can use one or more of the following levers or choose status quo:
Price - Sell some gSeeds to increase selling pressure and bring back the market value approx. to 1.2M and/or Mint (harvest) more gSeeds to decrease the price.
Circulating Supply - Create an incentive to stake gSeeds, limiting the circulating supply,
or Choose Status Quo - Decide to wait for SEEDIDX to catch up at T1 (next SEEDIDX metrics evaluation).
Say now that the price of gSeeds is going down bringing the market cap of gSeeds to 1M. Then the SEEDS Bank and/or SEEDS Commons can use one or more of the following levers or choose status quo:
Price - Buy some gSeeds to increase buying pressure and bring back the market value to 1.2M or Burn some gSeeds in circulation.
Circulating Supply - Create an incentive to unstake gSeeds, increasing the circulating supply,
or Choose Status Quo - Decide to wait for gSeeds to catch up at T1 (next SEEDIDX metrics evaluation).
b) At Time 1:
Say that SEEDIDX increases as a lot of regeneration happened on the ground and is now worth 3M based on the commons metrics (say 24 pilots, more value created by the original 12 pilots etc...).
Then the same cycle repeats itself and the levers can be used to adjust. Only at this stage, the SEEDS Commons might decide that it is ok to let the price of gSeeds go up to the next level in order to reward gSeeds holders, by only minting for example an additional 1.6M for working capital out of the 1.8M additional available so that the price of gSeeds can go up.
Doing that allows to not only reward gSeeds token holders but also inject more working capital for the benefit of communities. In a context of exponential growth this model could help support a large number of communities through the SEEDS Commons.
This is to illustrate how gSeeds is just a proxy of the value created on the ground materialised by SEEDIDX. Not equal at all time but just following the same long term growth pattern, as close as possible from the reality on the ground.
This new "Re-Distribution" protocol isolates and measures the value created by the SEEDS ecosystem in the "Real World" and re-distribute the value generated towards more regenerative behaviour and activities.
This protocol will leverage the planting and harvest protocol and re-invent the way to distribute value for this to be as efficient as possible to encourage regeneration. A combination of scores, incentives and Seeds air drops that will meet the needs for more support where regeneration is the most vibrant and vivid.
In correlation with the Seeds Index, aggregating the sum of the regenerative value created, this protocol makes it come to life by re-distributing resources created by the whole ecosystem where they are the most needed.
Initially, general users are able to participate in the collaborative sale ("cosale") by exchanging their legacy Seeds. The proceeds are distributed on a pro rata basis to all participants in the cosale.
When the collaborative sale is "turned on", Seeds Commons will be the first participant, placing the "milestone Seeds" that they control into the cosale. It is likely that the quantity of milestone seeds will be so large that general user participants' pro rata share would be discouragingly small. In order to make participation more attractive to ordinary Seeds users, the Commons participation is not calculated pro rata, but is allocated a defined percentage of the proceeds (e.g. 50%) regardless of the number of Seeds it has placed into the cosale.
A cosale participant may sell some or all of their COSALE tokens to other SEEDS Members. This opens up a pathway for Seeds holders to get "ready cash" by joining the cosale, then turning around and selling the COSALE tokens to another person who is able to wait. We expect that this option will be more attractive than selling Seeds themselves directly for fiat.
Community currencies (also known as oSeeds) support regenerative economic activity at the local level. The SEEDS ecosystem recognizes community DAO native tokens and Rainbow tokens as forms of oSeeds. Each community is able to have its own oSeeds tokens with its own token name.
Keeps value local: Local communities prefer local currencies because they keep value local!
Builds community: They build connection, support, and trust between people in the local community, enhancing community spirit — very valuable where community has been breaking down.
Promotes resilience: They promote resilience in the local community, protecting communities against the destructive instability of the global markets and the conventional currency system.
Grows awareness: They encourage us to think more about our purchases and who the currency is benefitting so that we can make better economic choices.
Promotes creativity: They promote creativity and resourcefulness in the local community, utilising and developing our untapped skills, enthusiasm, and potential — even when austerity is called for in national and global economies.
Localised risks and rewards: Communities creating their own currency carry all the risks and capture all the rewards by themselves.
More flexibility for radical experimentation: Communities creating their own currency have much more freedom and flexibility to design their currency in radically new ways without needing to build consensus or agreement amongst other communities
Focused support and liquidity: There’s been a lot of desire for financiers to fund local and regenerative economy pilots in specific communities, yet so far in SEEDS this hasn’t been possible. That’s because Seeds aren’t local — they’re global. So, it hasn’t been possible for a funder to provide liquidity for a single region. With Rainbow Seeds, those who want to fund a particular community can then provide liquidity for community’s token directly (opposed to providing liquidity for all Seeds).
Community currencies provides space and flexibility for more radical experimentation in currency design to meet a cultural needs.
In order to protect against fraudulent actors who create misleading tokens, and also against accidentally-confusing token names, there are two levels of recognition: "Acceptable token" and "Ecosystem token":
Acceptable tokens are supported for send/receive functions and currency tabs in the SEEDS Wallets. This level of support could be quite broad (covering almost any Telos token) but cannot be wide open -- to protect wallet users from outright fraudulent parties.
Ecosystem tokens have a special badge that identifies them as part of the Seeds ecosystem. Naturally this includes gSeeds and cSeeds, and the native tokens of several SEEDS DHOs. It also includes Rainbow-based local tokens of communities that are part of the SEEDS ecosystem.
To be visible in the official SEEDS Wallets, tokens need to be registered with Token Master List Contract by the issuer AND must be approved by the Token Master manager for each "use case" (e.g. Light Wallet, Desktop Wallet, Peer Swaps) before the associated application will recognize it.
It is possible for the manager to rescind approval if necessary. We may not want to accept tokens into SEEDS Apps which are not mission-aligned or are actively anti-aligned for example.
The Currency Working Group do not believe that we can - at this stage of the SEEDS evolution - define criteria for token recognition which operate purely mechanically; there will be human judgement required in many cases.
The observations of the Currency Working Group are that:
(a) it is worth aiming for an initial set of policy guidelines with better consensus,
(b) we need to envision a governance process for adjusting policy,
and (c) we need to envision a distinct governance process for implementing policy as specific decisions about specific tokens.
These governance processes should be in accordance with SEEDS Constitution principles, which suggests they should be decentralized to the extent possible.
Each community can create a DAO to get on-the-ground activities organised. Classically a DAO is primarily used by the project team in charge of coordinating the community pilot and, later on, ongoing or new regenerative activities.
With their own DAO up-and-running, Community project teams can better coordinate the regenerative actions of the community through a structured governance, voting system and clear roles, assignment, quests and accountabilities. Communities can create their own native tokens within their DAO and use it as an irrefutable on-chain accounting of the contributions of their active members. The native token market cap in a DAO represents the value created by the sum of the active contributions voted in the DAO.
These native tokens are classically different by nature from a community currency, such as oSeeds. They are accounting tokens to capture all the contributions that were needed to successfully deploy regenerative activities in communities whereas a currency, such as oSeeds, is designed for transactions and marketplaces activation.
In theory, nothing would prevent a community from deciding to use the native token as their oSeeds currency. That may makes sense in some scenarios, such as supply chains, services providers or conversion bridges. However, it is important to be aware that DAO native tokens were not primarily designed as a local currency and therefore is far less flexible than a rainbow token - see below.
Another scenario would be to use a rainbow token - oSeeds - as the native token of the DAO. This scenario is more likely to happen in various contexts where the community wants to reward contribution with oSeeds. As all these tokens being on the blockchain, a bridge can easily be created in order to show oSeeds from within the Community DAO. This is therefore a valid scenario for communities where the flows are fully integrated around the oSeeds currency.
Like native tokens, the Rainbow Smart Contracts allow Communities to create local (bioregional, community, etc), topical (local food, regenerative health, etc), and organisational currencies for bootstrapping globally regenerative economies. The Rainbow contract, specifically designed to meet the currency requirements, has several configuration options which make it more flexible than a native token, but more complex to create and manage.
Rainbow tokens can be configured as a "walled garden" which are usable only by community members.
Mutual credit
Rainbow tokens can be configured to allow negative balances and thus allow users to create new currency as needed.
Backing Capabilities
In order for the Community Seeds to be trusted, it may be important based on each specific community context to back them up with Market Seeds, fiat, other cryptos, land and/or any other resources that the Community has available.
Free choice is given to the communities to back their "Community Seeds" tokens with Market Seeds (or NOT). The Rainbow Smart Contract will work for both scenarios.
Backing "Community Seeds" with Market Seeds creates TRUST (but is NOT mandatory if the communities decide otherwise).
The same tools we have can be used to create "Community Seeds", whether they are backed or not backed by Market Seeds.
New Token Approval
When an issuer wishes to create a new token symbol under the Rainbow Smart Contract, they must first send a non-refundable submission fee to the contract. The issuer submits a creation action, which gets human review and must be approved by the Rainbow Smart Contract account -- the same account that executed the set contract
action which installed the Rainbow code on the blockchain.
This approval grants the issuer complete authority to set and change the behaviour of the token under that symbol.
Gain a more complete understanding of the process and evolution of the Seeds family of currencies.
Explore the various dialogues as the SEEDS community designed a new economic and financial system.
The concept of Horizons has already been introduced and is essentially a controlled scale-out of the new Seeds currency ecosystem. The objective is to start out quickly and simply (less development effort) and safely (robust tokenomics protect the value in the ecosystem from various pressures that seek to drive it down). Only when one Horizon is seen to be functioning as expected does the next Horizon get implemented, bringing with it the next iteration of sophistication.
Currently 3 Horizons are envisaged but more could be added in the future as more features and sophistication becomes necessary or desirable. For now the base 3 Horizons are well understood and each one is described below.
Below is the living roadmap for the implementation of the new SEEDS tokenomics.
Preliminary Action Plan
Overview: This Horizon sets out the minimum number of elements required to re-energise the Seeds currency ecosystem.
Simultaneous with the legacy collaborative token sale being ran and orchestrated by Seeds Commons, Market Seeds will technically come to existence with a multi-sig account (seeds.seeds) and associated smart contract. Market Seeds will be new volatile tokens that represent the health and value of the whole Seeds ecosystem, not just any single project or subset of projects.
With Horizon 1, we start with community building and community support. A toolset will be deployed that allows regenerative communities and projects quickly bootstrap themselves by use of an "out-of-the-box" set of tools. One of the main tools will be a currency creator allowing communities to create their own (hyper)local currency.
Generically these community tokens will be known as Community Seeds or oSeeds. "O" represents the circular economy that is the sustainable, regenerative goal. It also represents "infinity" as we expect these communities to proliferate and thrive creating a myriad local currencies.
As such, communities and projects on the ground can immediately have confidence that their work can progress at full speed. They have everything that they need to operate day-to-day.
Horizon 1 Work Plan Summary:
Working capital
Update the token Collaborative Sale ("Cosale") to reflect the legacy seeds token Collaborative sale proposal
Implement the legacy Seeds Collaborative Token Sale
Set up Market Seeds - multi-sig account and smart contract - ready to be minted in horizon 2 for additional working capital.
Community Seeds
Deploy the Rainbow Seeds contract and other tools (DAO) in communities
Update Seeds Apps to reflect the new tokens: Market Seeds and Community Seeds
Inactivate "Unplanting"
Overview: This Horizon introduces one new token - SeedsIndex - and the communities influence the pricing of the market gSeeds.
When horizon 2 launches, the website will no longer sell any legacy liquid Seeds, and it will shift to selling the new liquid Market Seeds. Liquid Market Seeds will have several important additional functions in horizon 2:
will provide working capital for the entire ecosystem
will form the main bridge between the Seeds currencies and fiat
It is anticipated that Market Seeds will be minted from Horizon 2, sold on the Seeds Commons Collaborative token sale (replacing the legacy Collaborative token sale when Horizon 2 is launched).
If people believe in the future success of the various Seeds projects, they will buy Market Seeds. This in turn creates working capital that can be directed to supporting the Seeds communities and also to developing the technology for Horizon 2.
b. More Community Activation
In Horizon 2, we expect to see many more communities being created from the "village-in-a-box" template. We expect to see the original pioneering communities maturing and succeeding in their aims, driving regenerative behaviour locally.
c. Connect Markets with real world resources, regeneration and energy
Building on this new maturity of the Seeds ecosystem, a Seeds Index protocol is put in place. This protocol is an algorithm that takes the health of the Seeds communities and projects, represented by an aggregate figure, and uses this to influence the market price of the Market Seeds token. This is done to protect the Seeds ecosystem from artificial pump and dump pressures on the open market. It is a buffer and a moderator of Market Seeds.
Seeds Index Protocol = a measure of the success of all the Seeds communities and projects which in turn influences the price of the Market Seeds token, thereby protecting the overall Seeds ecosystem.
Seeds Index token = a portfolio token representing a limited number of headline Seeds projects.
Horizon 2 Work Plan Summary:
Automatically convert planted legacy Seeds into planted new Market Seeds and burn planted legacy seeds
Automatically convert a small % of planted new Market Seeds into liquid Market Seeds based on the agreed mathematical calculation.
Global Market Seeds
Global Market Seeds launch - Collaborative token sale from SEEDS Commons to support ongoing ecosystem development and all the diverse organisations in the SEEDS Commons.
Value Generated "Re-Distribution" (Harvest) Protocol beta -- start testing the protocol live by distributing new Seeds based on Contribution Scores of Individuals, Communities (local Commons), Businesses and use the Harvest to fuel the Global SEEDS Commons
A share of the Harvest that goes to the Seeds Commons goes into liquidity pools for the Commons to earn fees, and to build bridges for entering and exiting Seeds.
Community Seeds
Support more pilots on the ground - communicate on real change metrics/positive impact.
Frameworks become more clear, transparent with a dashboard and ecosystem directory.
Seeds Index
Create multi-sig account and smart contract for Seeds Index tokens
Enable the mint/burn relationship with new Market Seeds.
Thrivability metrics beginning to be published, and focus on Seeds index computations, such as the "Seeds Index" and "Balancing Act" protocols.
Overview: the Seeds ecosystem has now evolved significantly and can start to support a system-wide constant currency - cSeeds.
In Horizon 3, we expect that the tokens introduced in Horizons 1 and 2 are now well tried and tested and are increasing in price as the market begins to see the value in the Seeds community. Horizon 3 capitalises on this foundation by introducing a constant currency - cSeeds - that additionally acts as a common currency across all the individual communities/projects.
The constant nature of the token is seen in how it retains its purchasing power regardless of inflation in fiat currencies. If I can buy a loaf of bread for 1 cSeed now then I can still buy a loaf of bread for 1 cSeed in 10 years' time. Essentially it stays constant despite the devaluing of fiat.
It is a common currency because all the various forms of oSeeds can be exchanged for cSeeds. It becomes the universal Seeds currency.
cSeeds = a constant Seeds currency that is inflation-proof and can be exchanged with all oSeeds currencies (when a liquidity bridge exists).
Horizon 3 Work Plan Summary
Activate the "Unplanting" feature in the new Market Seeds model
Run the Value Generated "Re-Distribution" (Harvest) Protocol to slowly release the legacy deferred seeds, according to agreed durations and principles
Burn all system accounts legacy Seeds
Global Market Seeds
Staking them will bring more rewards through the Value Generated "Re-Distribution" (Harvest) Protocol
Constant Seeds
Create multi-sig account and smart contract for Constant Seeds
Create the mint/burn relationship with new Market Seeds with continued transparency and decentralised governance of Commons Treasury
Dull features with liquidity pools to Communities
Community Seeds
Launch more Community Seeds pilots on the ground
Enable and support liquidity pools between Community Seeds and Constant Seeds for each of the pilots so that bridges between communities can emerge, supply chains etc.
Seeds Index Protocol
Enable burning new Seeds to the Seeds Pulse Index Token (a single button to burn this token for a diversity of Community Seeds to connect the market to tangible communities in the world and for folks, institutions, etc to support communities on-the-ground doing regenerative work).
Discussion on Legacy Seeds. All liquid Legacy Seeds have the ability to migrate to the new tokenomics as "Locked Market Seeds" ("Planted"). The unlocking process (via "Unplanting") will happen as part of Horizon 3. Go for more details on the transition to the new Seeds Currency Family.
Transition to new Market Seeds - see details
At the same time a new token, the Seeds Index token, will be created. This will be a portfolio token, similar to the , which will represent a number of the "best" Seeds projects. Investors then have a less volatile way of investing in Seeds also without having to worry about the specifics of individual projects. If the Market Seeds Token is the extroverted token more exposed to the dynamics of the open market, then the Seeds Index token is an introverted token deriving its value from the top-performing Seeds projects and increasing in value more slowly and in lockstep with those projects.
Transition to new Market Seeds - see details
Transition to new Market Seeds - see details