HOW TO CONTRIBUTE - Hypha handbook

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Here you'll find everything you need to know about joining Hypha (and below).


A place to embody your “Regenerative Ikigai”

Welcome to an adventure in co-creating organisations for a Regenerative Civilization

*For the underlying and condensed agreements to this handbook see the Hypha Game Guide.

What is Hypha?

“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. [Our opportunity is], to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time, with spontaneous cooperation and without ecological damage or disadvantage of anyone.” - Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

We start with the “Regenerative Ikigai” because we believe the challenges of creating a new culture become a bit easier when we do so from that space.

Hypha is:

  1. an open-source, decentralised, transparent and global organisation.

  2. a living and evolving organism designed as a new way to scale coordination and build value together.

  3. An organism that’s controlled by those who invest time while rewarding those that invest time, money or other capital.

  4. not a company, it has no bank account, no legal entity, no employees and no controlling bodies or persons.

New organisations for a new civilization

The corporate roles of "shareholders", “board members”, "managers", "employees" and sometimes even “clients” are replaced with a single role, Hypha Members.

Hypha members are the drivers, value creators and benefactors of Hypha.

Hypha’s Purpose

We build tools and incubate decentralised organisations to help coordinate the global transition to a regenerative and thriving civilizations.

Commitments and Agreements

Radical Honesty (with Empathy)

Withholding wisdom in Hypha works against our goals for collective intelligence. Honesty is not just about answering questions truthfully and completely - it's also about voicing what you're seeing (with your mind), feeling (in your heart) and sharing that empathetically and compassionately with a desire for us all to have more joy.

Radical Transparency

Our organisation is transparent! From compensation to our treasury, from how we’re voting to open-sourcing our creation sessions and more. We create “out loud” to share our process, code, journey and wisdom with the world.

Radical Responsibility

As a Voice Holder in Hypha you are co-steering this ship! There is no CEO or board of directors calling the shots. We all are!

You are solely responsible for discovering and embodying your Regenerative Ikigai and how you show up in Hypha. There are no managers to tell you what to do and how to do it! You alone are responsible for creating value and maintaining your commitments. Source from within, not outwards.

Radical Focus

Radical focus is about finding what your contribution, task or focus is and getting it done, and not allowing yourself to become undone by ‘the chaos’.

Radical Compassion

Compassion for yourself and for others as we navigate this new world together. Remembering “we are all doing the best we can with the information we have at any given time.” We are here, united by a vision and are working towards a goal greater than ourselves so let’s be easy on each other and show kindness whenever and wherever possible!

Apply any of these patterns to your own context and aspire to embody these...

Hypha is for anyone, not everyone

We’re exploring a new culture that intrinsically challenges many prevailing beliefs and passionately stimulates us to release and transform what no longer serves.

We’re simultaneously exploring a decentralised, diverse, and global self-governed organisation.

It can be intense and yet is wildly creative and adventurous!

Explorer: a person who is among the first to study or develop something

Hypha is exploring and pioneering on a myriad of fronts simultaneously, such as:

  1. Decentralised, transparent and global self-governed organisations.

  2. Regenerative economic systems.

  3. Decentralised and distributed governance systems for multiple contexts and scales.

  4. Blockchain, DAO’s, DeFi, ReFi (regenerative finance) and the rest of the wild world of DLT’s (decentralised ledger technology).

Not only is our creative work on the cutting edge of several new technologies and disciplines. But, we’re doing all this while co-creating a new type of organisation (it’s quite challenging and complex to say the least).

Pioneer integrity

“Integrity is the essence of everything successful. It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination.” - Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Members of Hypha, (as pioneers of a new culture), are called to have a high degree of integrity:

  1. Integrity to the vision of this Regenerative Civilization we’re serving.

  2. Integrity to handle the responsibility, flexibility and opportunity that Hypha affords.

  3. Integrity to maintain your commitments, and to discover the highest quality and leverageable ways to show up.

  4. Integrity to lovingly step away if you realise you’re not able to meet your commitments to other members here, even if you have the desire to do so.

  5. Integrity to use your vote/voice from a space of informed wisdom with the wellbeing and thrivability of Hypha in mind. To choose not to vote out of personal politics (either liking or disliking someone).

Vast majority of new cultures fail

The vast majority of attempts at recreating organisations fail to do so. Statistically, it’s estimated that startups and intentional communities alike share a 90%+ failure rate.

Creating something new is exceedingly difficult and takes a large degree of persistence, self direction and honest, effortful collaboration!

Fortunately, humanity has gotten a lot better at sharing wisdom, and we can learn from the 10% that’s succeeded and mirror and evolve some of those patterns to suit this mission.

Hypha Supports Settlers

As pioneers, our task is to build the infrastructure for settlers. Settlers hold great wisdom and they are the ones that come in and really make a place warm, alive and welcoming when the foundations are set.

Hypha’s aim is to help flip the failure rate of creating new cultures by providing tools to support this process (this is one of the visions for the DHO itself).

So, we’re not leaving the settlers behind for good.


There is a need to have clear boundaries for what is healthy (or not) for Hypha. Almost anyone is able to propose a contribution to Hypha and be given an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities (this is how Hypha is for anyone) to create with us.

However, we can also recognise that many people aren’t familiar with self-organisation, nor will be able to thrive in this environment (yet). So, this is why Hypha isn't for everyone.

Hypha isn't the Renaissance, it’s but a single organ designed to create more organs to serve the Regenerative Renaissance. It’s not meant to be “all-inclusive”. Hypha is here to play one role. That role is to deliver high-quality tools and support with high-quality execution.


Compensation is designed to be thriving!

This is to signal that:

  1. in our new paradigm all people deserve a thriving wage;

  2. we’re looking for people who can execute at that level of quality.

This creates a competitive salary to entice high caliber people to come play.

Further, the compensation has the ability to be much higher if we’re able to deliver high quality. As all members in Hypha are paid with the main organisation token (Hypha) which may be a reflection of the total value we’re able to offer to the world!

However, if we keep paying at these levels, and we don’t deliver the level of quality deserving of this compensation, then Hypha itself will quickly become a failed fantasy.

It is the responsibility of all members of Hypha to ensure this doesn’t happen. We’re all the owners and operators of Hypha and there is no c-suite or board of directors to ensure we stay within budgetary and quality constraints.

Although compensation can be very rewarding, we discourage members from contributing on this basis alone and instead encourage people to find their Regenerative Ikigai and find the people who’s Ikigai fits nicely within Hypha!

Contributing in Hypha

Our experiment with Hypha and the DHO (Decentralised Holonic Organisation - seen here) is to provide more freedom, flexibility (dynamism), anti-fragility, fulfillment and capital effectiveness for members (e.g. a more effective and joyful way to organise our Renaissance versus a traditional corporation). So, we’ve created a new way for collaborating towards our shared goals and Hypha's purpose.

Value In = Value Out

Hypha’s compensation equation!

As a member of Hypha, every proposal is asking you to sense "Does this contribution serve Hypha’s purpose equal to the requested compensation?" If yes, vote yes. If no, vote no.

As members of Hypha we are free to create when, how and if we want to. As long as other members value your contributions, and we accurately alter our requests in the DHO to reflect the contributions we're actually making!

Members don’t sell their time!

"Research suggests that in an eight-hour day, the average worker is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes. That's right--you're probably only productive for around three hours a day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American works 8.8 hours every day." - INC

Hypha doesn’t exist to buy your time and time spent is not a contribution in Hypha.

So, this doesn't need to be present in any format in the DHO (unless you feel so inclined to track time yourself).

  1. When voting on a contribution, time spent is not a factor.

  2. Attending calls, reading materials and other forms of learning is not a contribution to Hypha. It’s what a member contributes/creates with this knowledge that determines a valuable contribution.

  3. This is intended to help us move beyond the concept of selling our time.

Cultivating security

“Salaried work is not security.” - Idiom of an entrepreneur coach

In Hypha every member is at most a seasonal (3 month) contractor (max length of an assignment).

For some, this fosters feelings of instability and doubt. For others this fosters excitement and a sense of adventure.

Hypha members cultivate security for ourselves by continually improving and refining our abilities to communicate, coordinate and generate value (or in this renaissance - fulfill our “Regenerative Ikigai”).

This is a skill that will always be in high demand and it's what we intentionally cultivate in Hypha through building these skills.

Hypha encourages the development of members by cultivating the skills they need for more freedom (freedom to leave Hypha should they choose!).

  1. By abandoning the concept of an "employee" - e.g. a pseudo-stable and rigid position. We open up new worlds of:

    1. Dynamism: Every 3 months or less is an opportunity (just an opportunity to take or not) to redesign how you want to co-create.

    2. Personal growth: Hypha teaches skills that transcend industry boundaries - skills for dynamically generating value, communication in a decentralised environment (being able to articulate our contributions), and more.

    3. Capital effectiveness: Hypha doesn't hold onto contribution types that are no longer adding value to the movement. This encourages people to find new roles/quests that better suit the needs of Hypha and their own "Regenerative Ikigai".

    4. Freedom of creation: Instead of the standard 9-5 or other fixed working hours, members choose what pace (commitment level) or time they’d like to create.

Dynamically self-organising around the Regenerative Renaissance's needs

"Out collaborate the competition (e.g. the decaying paradigms)" - Hypha Idiom

Every member in Hypha is charged with sensing where they can best show up and co-create (a paradigm shift).

For some, the organism may already be sensing a need for their gifts; for others Hypha may not even recognise yet that those gifts are needed (potentially game changing); yet for others, the organism may no longer need the gifts they've been offering.

This is an opportunity to shift offerings within Hypha, move to (or start) another organism within the ecosystem that is in need of those particular gifts.

  1. This is why Hypha is contractor-only and each season (at most) members are tasked with articulating their contributions and opening up to the collective intelligence if their contributions equal their compensation and if members find this contribution valuable to Hypha’s current goals and needs.

  2. Getting a quest/assignment voted down does not have to be akin to "being fired" (incredibly inefficient to have that turnover rate). Instead, this is a signal by the community to shift and adjust how we're showing up or change the value we’re adding (better for all of us).

  3. Being capital efficient in one domain of the whole ecosystem means more generative qualities for the whole ecosystem. As members move from domain to domain bringing their gifts as they're most needed to those groups.

  4. Members are ready to shift, grow, adapt, learn and move as we’re needed. With the right execution and mental framing, this can be incredibly fun, generative and fulfilling.

  5. Considering your contributions:

    1. Are they serving the direct needs of Hypha?

    2. Or, is Hypha needing something else that would be more valuable?

    3. Or, is another DHO a better place for your gifts at this time?

Example: imagine if your gift is generating buzz for new ideas (but not so great at scaling that buzz, yet...) then it best serves you and the ecosystem for you to navigate from organ to organ (other DHO’s or circles) as they have new ideas/products to generate initial buzz about.

Learning over failing, successfully

So, what about those cases where a lot of time is invested in a route that doesn't actually end up adding the value we anticipated it would?

This means that other members have determined that the value given was not valuable to the movement so therefore, no value would be reflected back out.

However, we can hack this outcome by ensuring that value is always added to the organism! In these cases we detail why and how we failed and share those learnings with the organism.

Therefore, the contribution is in the form of wisdom and learned experience that the organism has gained. If you fail without effectively capturing and sharing this, then the organism gains nothing and no value was added to be reflected back out.

What does this all mean for the Regenerative Renaissance?

Hypha is building tools to bridge the worlds of radical regenerative transformation and financially optimal decisions. If the most regenerative choice is also the most financially sound, we can divert enormous resources towards the Regenerative Renaissance.

Playing the game of Hypha

The basic rules are simple:

Design (sense): Sense what the organism needs in (align with your Ikigai) and co-design with existing members/circles a plan.

Align (vote): Present that plan to the rest of the necessary members (either in a circle or the whole organism - whoever is paying for it) and get agreement (a vote in the DHO).

Create (do): Go about executing the plan!

Compensate (compensation): When you’re done, get paid!

1st - Discover your Ikigai and detail why this serves Hypha!

What is most needed for Hypha today?

Does this work serve your "Regenerative Ikigai"?

What value does Hypha and the greater Renaissance receive?

Are you confident you know what you’re wanting to create?

Capturing OKRs is one method for this - there are others. For every quest, assignment or contribution a member details clearly the value that Hypha receives.


Hypha needs a 3 day event - serving 10k people, complete with XYZ, you expect ABC to be the outcome of this and Hypha and the Renaissance benefit through 123 outcomes...

2nd - Discover who you are going to create with!

Are you joining a team or are you creating Solo?

Are other people already creating this? Have you talked with them?

Have you announced your intentions and does anyone else want to join you?

Do you need any other help?

If you're planning on creating in a team then best practice is one proposal for the whole team. It's up to your team to decide how to split the compensation.

You don't need to define upfront how much each person gets! Nor, how many people (some people may leave and others join during the project). Though, it’s important to define if you need support from active Hypha members.


There are at least 3 of us, Bob, Jane and Kadek focused on the quest and Arjun is going to be an advisor and Alima is providing technical support from the Tech Circle.

3rd - Discover what you need to get it done!

What tools, resources or members' wisdom do you need?

This is to define the support you or your team knows you need to get things done. This is important for other squads/pods/circles/people to know what you're needing from them and what they're agreeing to.


We'll need storytelling support in the form of ABC from Movement Building Circle and technical support in the form of XYZ from Products Circle.

4th - What's the compensation?

What type of payment would you like or need to make this happen?

Have you looked at similar proposals to gauge what members are passing?

Have you looked at industry averages for this type of contribution?

If an amount is necessary upfront, then put this amount manually in as an HUSD request in the quest proposal. The rest is put into the proposal itself to be claimed upon the completion of the quest. Do not put the total quest reward in the boxes (see graphic below), just put it in the text. Only put in the boxes what you’re requiring upfront.


We need 1000 HUSD upfront to pay for the venue and the remaining x HUSD x Hypha and x HVoice. Note, HVoice is equal to the total USD amount.

5th - Testing the waters

Start with a Quest

Sense out what you feel you’d like to bring, create a quest with a compensation at the end, and give it a go! Test out how this organisation style suits you.

Maybe try another!

Had a lot of fun? Try it again! It’s totally normal for members to just do quests whenever they’re feeling inspired. Staying on quests gives members the most freedom to create whenever and however they desire!

In a good rhythm? How about a 1 cycle (4 phase) assignment.

Assignments are like routine and continuous quests… If you find yourself wanting to apply for a wide range of quests all of the time, try an assignment into one of the Co-Creator Archetypes that captures the wide range of things you like to do. If this is your first assignment, apply for just 1 cycle to see how it suits and to give you and the community a chance to see if it's a good fit.

Really in flow? Try a quarterly assignment.

Had a really good time, and you’re finding your Ikigai? Community loves you, and you feel at home? Great! Maybe a quarterly assignment is best suited for you.

6th - DHO Calls

DHOsday Tuesday, DHO Diligence and DHO Done are spaces to do sense and decision-making around proposals.

DHOsday Tuesday

When you first make a proposal attend the next DHOsday Tuesday or have someone attend for you to explain your proposal and let other members know why they may want to vote for you!

DHO Diligence

For contentious or complex proposals there is another space where members come together for deeper sense-making. Attend this space for sharing your wisdom on others or for further elaborating on and upleveling a proposal you may have.

DHO Done

Making a Proposal

Proposals are one tool for coordinating our global and decentralised team. They help members:

  1. Signal: Know (on a high level) what each other (or circle) is doing, have done and what we all intend to do.

  2. Budget: There is no “C Suite” doling out budgets in Hypha. As members, this is our responsibility!

  3. Assess: Give rise for collective intelligence to uplevel proposals, decide what we want to create and steer our organisation.

  4. Coordinate: Collaborate on shared projects and goals. Proposals signal to others how you want to show up and invite co-creation.


Quests come in 2-3 basic stages and last as long as they need until the contribution is complete:

  1. Quest Proposal

  2. Quest Milestone(s) (if applicable)

  3. Quest Completion

The first proposal is the "Quest Proposal" to get approval for the concept, budget and outcomes by other Members.

Quest which contain many clear stages - for example a quest to create a film would have the storyboard phase, the shooting phase and the editing phase that could each culminate in a “Milestone Payout” to partially pay out the quest in stages. Each quest defines its own milestones and can function similar to a salary if milestones are regularly completed.

The second proposal happens after the quest has been completed, or a milestone has been reached, to claim your compensation.

At this point you clearly identify how you accomplished the quest, what you learned and detail the value that Hypha received. Then, you put the totals that you had requested in the text of the 1st Quest Proposal into the proposal claim boxes and submit your “Quest Completion” proposal.

If there were multiple members in your quest - then each member comes to do the DHO and submits their own “Quest Completion” proposal to claim their share of the compensation (cannot exceed the total proposed in the Quest Proposal amount without opening it up to further assessment). This is important for members to be able to claim their HVoice as it is not transferable.


Quest Proposal, I (we) would like to:

  1. Create ABC features for this app.

  2. Write 7 articles for the library on XYZ.

  3. Solve this tough economics equation.

  4. Run an event for 5,000-6,000 people.

  5. Create a guide for ABC.

  6. Etc.

Quest Completion, I (we) have done

  1. Created AB & D (different) features.

  2. Wrote 11 Articles and got 50,000 reads!

  3. Solved the equation and wrote a policy to implement.

  4. Ran the event! It was epic! 10,000 people came!

  5. Created the guide for ABC.

  6. Etc.


Contributions are the most risky way to play. However, they afford the most freedom as you’re able to freely create value and then after-the-fact make a proposal to see if the members would like to compensate you for that value. Be warned, these proposals have the lowest chance of success as members haven’t agreed to whether or not they wanted that contribution.

It’s recommended to run a quest if you’re looking for this assurance and reduce risk.


Assignments are a recurring contribution that last for a period of time (maximum 3 lunar cycles).

Members who are regularly and consistently adding value may apply for an assignment to one of the 5 basic archetypes. Along with the other types of contributions members detail what they intend to do during their assignment period. After the period is over members detail the value they created during their previous assignment.

With all contribution types the goal of members voting in Hypha is to match value in with value out. Your goal with your assignment request is to:

  1. detail why this equation is in balance during your previous assignment;

  2. and why it will be in balance with your next assignment.

When applying for an “Assignment Extension” reference back to the previous assignment period’s OKR's and share what happened during that cycle, then detail OKR's for the next assignment period.

Value In = Value Out

Hypha’s mantra for compensating members

When making this assignment request keep in mind the “value in = value out” mantra to be mindful to identify the tangible creations and value you brought to Hypha during your assignment.

For those playing with Hypha long-term this is a seasonal exercise and opportunity to:

  1. share what you've been doing;

  2. what you intend to do and;

  3. how others may create with you and align.

This is helpful in a decentralised and self-governed organisation to help members articulate and set goals for themselves each season around clear and actionable contributions.

If you’re co-creating as part of a circle, this will happen within that circle.

Every assignment proposal needs to answer 3 basic questions:

1. What have you done the previous 3 months (why are you suited for this assignment)?

2. What do you intend to do during the assignment?

3. Why did you choose the assignment type, complexity band, and commitment percentage and how are they aligned with your answers to 1 and 2?

Process for making an assignment proposal:

  1. First, clearly define what it is you’re aiming to do. What are your objectives and key results for the next 3 months? How do these relate to Hypha's purpose and goals?

  2. Second, pick from the 5 archetypal Contributions to see which one(s) best fit how you're planning on creating.

  3. Third, select a complexity band for each archetypal contribution. Align on what level of responsibility and complexity is required to get your objectives done.

  4. Fourth, decide the commitment band(s) for each archetypal contribution. How much of your time is required to complete your goals/OKR's?

  5. Fifth, double check the compensation. Just to be sure, check the compensation amount and ask yourself if the OKR's are equal to the compensation requested.

  6. Now, you're ready to submit your assignment proposal!


Each assignment and reassignment request comes with what you did on the last assignment and what you intended to do going forward.

Assignment Proposal (1), I aim to:

  1. Create ABC features for this app.

  2. Write 7 articles for the library on XYZ.

  3. Solve this tough economics equation.

  4. Run an event for 5,000-6,000 people.

  5. Create a guide for ABC.

  6. Etc.

Reassignment prop.(2), I have done:

  1. Created AB & D (different) features.

  2. Wrote 11 Articles with 50,000 reads!

  3. Solved the equation and wrote a policy to implement.

  4. Ran event! epic! 10,000 people!

  5. Created the guide for ABC.

  6. Etc.

Reassignment prop.(2), I aim to:

  1. Create ABC features for this app.

  2. Write 7 articles for the library on XYZ.

  3. Solve this tough economics equation.

  4. Run an event for 5,000-6,000 people.

  5. Create a guide for ABC.

  6. Etc.

Squads, Guilds and Circles

Squads, Guilds and Circles (SGC) are types of creation spaces where multiple members come together with a shared purpose and potential budget.

Squads, Guilds and Circles

Guild (Least Stability) - Guilds are like “working groups” that form for a variety of reasons (such as studying an issue, learning new wisdom, crafting a potential future Circle, etc). - Often formed without a budget.

Squad - Squads form dynamically to get a short-term task done (e.g. a Squad coming together to do a quest, launch a pilot, bridge with a new ecosystem, put on an event, etc).

Circle (Most Stability) - Circles are long-term structures (like mini DHO’s) within Hypha (e.g. the “Product Circle” focused on delivering the major products within Hypha, etc).

SGCs coordinate

SGCs help Hypha scale and fractal governance contexts. So, opposed to every single member in Hypha needing to vote on every other member's proposals, we form SGC’s to give a governance context for members to create within. This way members need only vote on:

  1. Assignments, contributions and quests within their SGC(s).

  2. SGC’s requesting funding (a budget) directly from Hypha.

  3. Assignments, contributions and quests to Hypha that don’t belong to an existing SGC.

SGC budget process

Organisation-wide DHOsday

SGCs create their own budgets to fund assignments, quests and contributions within their SGC.

This budget proposal would go up during Hypha’s organisation-wide DHOsday Tuesday.

For making the SGC budget request, do the same as a Quest Proposal where the finances requested aren’t actually claimed by the one making the proposal. This is just for members to signal approval for the budget. If the budget proposal for the SGC passes then the SGC goes about deciding how to distribute this value within the members of their SGC.

Be sure to include all the relevant details in order to express to the members why this SGC budget balances the “value in = value out” mantra.

Example: One circle proposes “We want to build a boat and we need 100k HUSD and 20K Hypha to do it!” This happens during the organisation wide DHOsday where all members align and vote on the big things.


SGC’s may mirror this DHOsday pattern and have their own process for distributing their SGC budget, just as Hypha does for the whole org budget.

Example: One member proposes "I will build the sail for 10K HUSD and 2K Hypha!"

Another "I will build the hull for 20K HUSD and 3K Hypha"

Yet another, "I want to bring organic salads for lunches....", etc

All of this sense and decision making takes place within the SGC. Once the SGC has delivered the value (or started the assignment period) to Hypha then the individual members within the SGC make their claims (contributions or assignments) to Hypha (just as a member does for a Quest Completion.

When members make this claim to the DHO they can briefly elaborate on what they're doing and state that "This was agreed by Circle X and is within our budget”.

Circles are only as strong as their players

So, make a concerted effort to lift each other up, support one another and thrive together! Members in Hypha outside your circle don’t get to vote down individual members within your circle who may be causing the wider ecosystem harm or otherwise not balancing the “value in = value out” equation.

Members may signal this in many ways, though one of those ways may be voting down the circle as a whole! Circles then begin to be seen as a whole organ, responsible to the wider ecosystem as a whole and the members that comprise them.

Increasing SGC Budgets

SGC’s may have their initial budgets (if applicable) that are proposed with the creation of an SGC. This budget lasts for a maximum of 3 cycles when it is again proposed (think of a Circle as an ongoing group Quest). If during or at the end of the cycle a budget is needing to be increased or decreased then circle members may propose a new budget to Hypha.

5 Archetypal Contributions

Circles may signal and members may choose one or more archetypal contribution types that most closely describes how you’re creating within Hypha. The intent here is to:

  1. Reduce the infinite possibilities of assignments in Hypha down to 35 (5 Archetypal contributions each with 7 Complexity Bands).

  2. Provide Hypha with a quick treasury overview to see how funds are being deployed across the organism (e.g. 40% Building, 10% Researching, 20% Storytelling, etc).

  3. Provide circles with more flexibility in how they change, create and assign roles, tasks or jobs within their circle; as compensation (requiring a DHO vote) is attached to the more broad Archetypal Contribution assignment(s) of a member and not the particular role(s) they may be filling within circle(s) (so circles can more easily evolve their roles without requiring a DHO vote).

1. Building and Developing

Coding and bringing our ideas to life.

Focus on coding, designing and creating the tools.

Engineering the products and technology!

Also known as a “Wholeness Coder”.

2. Researching and Architecting

Designing possibilities for our future.

Focus on exploring, experimenting and architecting new systems, tools and processes for Hypha.

Discovering what the movement most needs, and designing how we can best provide it!

Also known as a “Future Creative”.

3. Facilitating and Space Holding

Cultivating a fertile space for us to co-create.

Focus on the people, processes and structures of Hypha.

Facilitating a thriving environment to co-create within!

Also known as an “Evolutionary Catalyst”.

4. Catalysing and Connecting

Building bridges, growing connections and supporting our expansion.

Focus on the adoption of the tools we create.

Bringing the movement together!

Also known as a “Pattern Weaver”.

5. Storytelling and Communicating

Capturing, sharing and amplifying our stories.

Focus on the storytelling, media and renaissance art of the movement.

Creating engaging, inspiring and beautiful invitations and descriptions of what we’re doing!

Also known as a “New Paradigm Storyteller”.

Badges and Duties

Circle Badges/Duties

Ideally each badge is held by a unique member of each SGC. Badges give compensation and voice bonuses to the holders to recognise the additional effort.

Lamp Lighter

Attending Collective Sensing calls for the next higher circle. Responsible for communicating goals of the circle in-line with Hypha’s milestones and landmarks.


Facilitating, planning and coordinating calls and other circle gatherings.


Assisting new members in joining the team, understanding the game and getting into the DHO.


Capturing outcomes and decisions during the circle meetings and updating the relevant operational and governance tools.


Coordinating and proposing the team budget. Treasures know when more capacity is available, making funding requests, and running any assessment, co-budgeting or funding tools a circle may use.


A skilled and willing mediator who can be called upon to mediate any interpersonal conflicts and disputes as needed.

Complexity and Commitment Bands

Defining compensation for a recurring role is an extremely difficult task to do. There are many, many variables playing a part in the decision to find a fair and equitable compensation. Corporations are notoriously poor at this, however, they cheat by making salaries secretive so the failures are less obvious.

However, compensation in Hypha is not only public to all other members, but also public to everyone who’s supporting and financing Hypha. So, we have a great opportunity and challenge to do compensation better!

Rethinking compensation

Hypha is in the business of recreating economic systems, this includes redesigning worker compensation to reduce confusion, balance inequality, increase joy and maximise capital efficiency (need to be financially thriving for this to work!)

Reduce Confusion

Complexity Bands and Commitment %’s are two tools that Hypha employs to ease the complications of participating in Hypha. This way members only have a few variables to decide on to find their right compensation (opposed to infinite variables).

Balance Inequality

We read somewhere (insert link if we can find it) that if all forms of compensation (including gifts and stock options, etc) were paid equally to all salaried employees the average pay would be $130k. So, in Hypha we aim for full-commitment compensation to be an Average $130k.

Increase Joy

A Princeton study showed that above $70k money no longer plays a material role in a person's happiness, drive or quality of life. So, we set a $70k base for any full-commitment assignments.

  1. A US company adopted a $70k minimum salary with spectacular results.

Maximise Capital Efficiency

Assignments last a maximum of 3 months (before coming up for reassignment) at most and every member is charged with balancing the “Value In = Value Out” equation. Hypha doesn't hold onto contribution types that are no longer adding value to the movement. This encourages members to routinely navigate towards the roles/quests that best suit the needs of Hypha and their own "Regenerative Ikigai".

If Hypha can do this, we’ll ensure financial stability and longevity by not wasting resources (and people’s time) on efforts that aren’t bringing the movement value.

Complexity, Responsibility, Commitment and Compensation

Even for the least complex band (B1) there’s an expectation that members have a (higher than normal) degree of self-organisation. Understanding the rarity and value of this trait guides Hypha to set a minimum compensation for B1’s at $70k USD/yr.

The higher your band the more responsibility and complexity you take on as a member of Hypha.

Balance the Value in = Value out Equation

Complexity and Commitment bands are just guides. Ultimately it’s up to each proposal (which includes assignments) to ensure the “Value In = Value Out” equation is balanced with the value being requested and the contributions added.

Using the complexity band and commitment level you’re triangulating to request compensation that most accurately reflects the routine value you’re bringing.

We know this changes, which is why this process is fluid and flexible for you to be able to adjust your commitment % or complexity/responsibility band as you need.

Bands are not hierarchies of power

With self-organisation we value different skills. Traditional corporations place a premium on the ability for people to command or delegate-well to others (e.g. managers, bosses, chiefs, etc)... Hypha doesn’t have those roles, and we don’t require those skills (the ability to command others). Instead, Hypha places much more value on the ability for people to self organise, execute with quality, coordinate (play) well with others and inspire change.

Quality and leverage

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” - Archimedes

Depending on your Ikigai there may be an overabundance of ways you’d like to create with Hypha. Spirit (passion), Heart (purpose), Mind (leverage), and Gut (instinct) offer us a variety of intelligences to guide our priorities.

For compensation we focus on the “Value In = Value Out” equation. Members most effectively increase their “value in” by increasing the leverage of their contributions.

Listening to your gut may help you find new opportunities!

Listening to your spirit may help you avoid burnout!

Listening to your heart may help you create the most beautiful things!

For leverage, listen to your mind - ask yourself:

  1. Does this contribution scale? - e.g. instead of getting on 100 calls to explain the same thing, try making a short explainer video.

  2. Can I automate this? - e.g. build or buy tools to automate redundant processes.

  3. Can I stack functions? - e.g. create social media content while rewatching conversations.

  4. Is this the most fertile and generative gift I can bring to the movement right now?

Increasing the quality and leverage of your contributions is a potent way to increase the value you receive for your contribution (as more value is brought into Hypha and the Regenerative Renaissance).

Complexity and Responsibility Bands (B1 to B7)

The higher your complexity and responsibility the less time is required from other members to empower your contributions and the more valuable it is for Hypha.

Organisational & Technical Complexity

Responsibility & Accountability


If I know the task(s) and am offered directions on how to do it; then I’ll get it done!

Assignments for members that do tasks that are clearly defined which require no effort on their part to discover what needs to get done and how to do it.

This contribution type requires…

  1. clear direction and guidance on what needs to get done and how I might (optional) do it.

  2. Minimal variables to navigate.


If I know the challenge(s) or task(s), I can figure out how to solve them!

Assignments for members that solve challenges that are clearly defined which do require effort to discover what needs to get done and how to do it.

This contribution type requires…

  1. clear direction and guidance on what needs to get done and why.

  2. that I figure out how to get things done.

  3. some defined variables to navigate.

Organisational & Technical Complexity

Responsibility & Accountability


I can discover what needs to be done and I’m doing it!

Assignments for members that solve challenges that aren’t clearly defined and require effort to discover what needs to get done and how to do it.

This contribution type requires…

  1. I discover what needs to get done and how to do it.

  2. I have clear and structured boundaries (with clear priorities on the why) to create well.

  3. moderate guidance to execute well and I actively seek out the information I need to achieve my mission.

  4. many defined variables to navigate.


I’m the master of my domain!

Assignments for members who own a whole domain (website, major feature, academy, etc). Members discover and execute on whatever is needed to best serve that domain.

B4’s have the skills and critical domain experience/wisdom necessary to fully master a domain.

Often (not always) found:

  1. Lamplighting a Sub-Circle.

Closest thing to a VP or manager in corporations. Where managers are responsible for the success of a particular area of the organisation.

This contribution type requires…

  1. I have control over a particular domain on the what and how to get things done.

  2. I hold the responsibility (and accountability) to create my priorities and strategies (why) within a generative boundary (e.g. within an SGC) for myself and my domain.

  3. minimal to no guidance to execute well and I actively seek out the information I need to achieve my mission.

  4. some variables to identify and navigate.


I’m a high-complexity visionary & coordinator!

Assignments for members who drive the research, sensing, creation and communication of strategy for circles and multiple domains.

Members sense the highest leverage direction (the why) and create a strategy for what needs to be done, and how we’re going to get there; all while creating opportunities and inspiring others in the circle to align and create.

B5’s execute! However, their primary focus is on sensing and coordinating.

Often (not always) found:

  1. Lamplighting a Circle.

  2. Discovering and building bridges for new growth and value opportunities.

  3. Paired with a B6 who thrives on helping to action the ideas being stewarded and sensed.

Closest thing to a traditional “C-Suite'' or Board Member of major corporations. Where the majority of time is spent with high-level strategy, design, sensing and coordination of a circle.

This contribution type requires…

  1. I am capable of sensing into the future the highest leverage and quality next steps to architect and design new why’s and how’s.

  2. I like being at the heart of (and being responsible for) coordinating circle’s and ensuring they’re aligned with the greater strategies for Hypha.

  3. I like inspiring current and designing new SGC’s for opportunities I’ve sensed.

  4. I don’t need guidance to execute well and I’m often offering guidance to others who prefer (request) it.

  5. many variables to identify and navigate.

Organisational & Technical Complexity

Responsibility & Accountability


I’m a high-complexity executor!

Assignments for members who focus on the highest leverage execution for circles and multiple domains.

Members execute at the highest quality and leverage the needs for a whole circle. Doing what needs to be done, driving growth, and executing opportunities.

B6’s coordinate! However, their primary focus is on execution.

Often (not always) found:

  1. Coordinating and executing the creation of new Circles.

  2. Executing high leverage and quality opportunities.

  3. Paired with a B5 who thrives on communicating and coordinating the things we’re doing.

Closest thing to a CEO or COO who’s primarily focused on execution and delivery.

This contribution type requires…

  1. I am capable of executing the highest leverage and quality of the what’s and how’s to carry circle(s) forward.

  2. I like being at the heart of execution for circle’s and being accountable for the circle’s tangible outcomes and high-quality creations.

  3. I don’t need guidance to execute well and I’m often offering guidance to others who prefer (request) it.

  4. Identifying and mapping an environment (whole circle).


I’m a high-complexity visionary, coordinator & executor!

Assignments for members who synergise both B5 and B6 complexities into one.

They see across the whole ecosystem, coordinate across multiple circles (that seek it), and routinely execute to solve the challenges the whole ecosystem is experiencing by:

  1. constructing and pursuing global strategic plans.

  2. facilitate the strategic evolution of the whole organism.

  3. being critical domain experts (e.g. blockchain, governance, economics, etc).

  4. creating new value streams (products, systems, etc) in collaboration across multiple organizations and people.

  5. Coordinating across the whole organism to orchestrate from:

    1. idea to

    2. shared agreement,

    3. execution,

    4. and reality.

Often (not always) found:

  1. Creating directly from the Anchor Circle (as their complexity may require they navigate many circles and require all circle consent).

  2. Creating entirely new business models horizontally and vertically.

  3. Sensing, ideating, coordinating and executing on new growth and value opportunities.

  4. Coordinating substantial impact partnerships from introduction to co-creation.

  5. Conducting ecosystem facilitation, giving guidance to other members (who seek it) of the organisation and cohering multiple organisations and SGC’s.

Closest thing to a solo entrepreneur/founder who’s capable of running an entire business.

This contribution type requires…

  1. I am capable of sensing the highest leverage and quality actions and I ensure they’re taken from idea into reality.

  2. I like to hold, and I thrive when I do, the most responsibility and expectations to generate value for the whole ecosystem.

  3. I don’t need guidance to execute well and I’m often offering guidance to others who prefer (request) it.

  4. Identifying and mapping multiple environments (whole circle(s)).

A “Normal Distribution” (Bell Curve) of Complexity Bands Across the Organism

To guide members as we aim for a diversity of complexity and skills across the organism.

Commitment Bands

Members aren’t selling time! The days/hours a week is simply a gauge for members to help triangulate where they fit in. The important metric is to find the commitment percentage for your complexity level that best equals the value of your contribution or best captures your availability and commitment to Hypha.

For example, a 3 cycle B7 assignment at a 100% commitment is ~$50k in total compensation. It’s up to the member to ensure their contributions during this period are equal-to or greater-than $50k to ensure the viability of their assignment and the health of the whole organism.

Find the commitment % that most accurately represents the value you’re bringing during a period and the “productive” commitment time (if you prefer this framing). As this is what members are voting on.

Commitment %


~Full Days/Wk (Hrs/Wk)


I’m consistently creating with Hypha.

0.5-1+ (5+ Hrs)


Hypha is a significant part of my life.

1.5-2+ (15+ Hrs)


Hypha takes equal weight to the combined other passions/purposes/projects in my life.

At this point, you’re likely have other responsibilities on top of your role(s) (Lamplighter, Facilitator, Mediator, etc)

2.5-3+ (20+ Hrs)


Hypha is the majority of my creative/productive life.

3.5-4+ (30+ Hrs)


Hypha is my primary focus.

4.5-5+ (35+ Hrs)


Hypha is my sole focus!

Your full time creative and productive week consists of Hypha alone. You’re likely giving more than fulltime to your roles as it’s something you’re constantly thinking about and a central part of your life.


(40+ Hrs)

Assignment Total Compensation Per Cycle Matrix

The numbers below are the “Value Out” that the organism is compensating for the contributions you’re making. Hypha assignment members are tasked with keeping their “Value In” balanced over each cycle.
























































































Upfront vs Deferred Payments Matrix

Each assignment comes with a minimum of deferred compensation (compensation received in Hypha tokens versus USD equivalent). The deferred minimums increase with the complexity bands. The intention here is to compensate members upfront equally while still being able to compensate and reward the increased responsibility and complexity taken on with increased bands. Further, this serves to extend Hypha’s runway and make the most effective use of the limited treasury by limiting how much up-front capital members may take. These % 's will be adjusted overtime as our treasury adjusts.

The matrix is designed so that the upfront payment potential is roughly equal across the bands ensuring that moving up and down the complexity bands doesn’t impact the ability for members to meet day-to-day needs.



Min Deferred

Max Upfront

Max Monthly Upfront




































Hypha and Hierarchy

Hierarchy of Purpose

Hypha has no predefined human hierarchies. Hypha’s official hierarchy is:

  1. Vision - What unites us.

  2. Purpose - How we serve our vision.

  3. Process - How we create together (the handbook is an example of our process).

  4. People - This is us!

Ad-Hoc and Dynamic Hierarchies

Members in Hypha may choose to forge, remix and undue any manner of human- hierarchies amongst themselves, within their SGC’s, or within quests. Some SGC’s are most effective and joyful when explicit and transparent human-hierarchies are formed.

Hierarchy is a powerful tool for creating clarity and reducing chaos when employed with the consent of all participating parties.

Ensure you’re aware of any human-hierarchies or other norms that exist within an SGC before joining one.

Power-With not Power-Over

If you find yourself in a power-dynamic or other human-hierarchy where another member is attempting to exert power over you (either through task delegation or any other command) and you didn’t consent to this structure; then honor your right to adopt or ignore their perspective and kindly remind them of this agreement.

Inspiration over delegation

Members do not delegate tasks to other members without consent!

When coordinating an SGC and attempting to build a team, one of the more effective strategies is to do so through inspiring other members (or attracting new members) to join your cause. Not through delegating tasks.

Complexity Bands Are Not Power Hierarchies!

Higher complexity bands do not have authority to delegate or command lower complexity bands; unless this hierarchy is an agreed-upon structure within an SGC.

A higher complexity band simply means that the role is doing more complex tasks for the organisation than a lower complexity band.

Hypha Voice

Hypha Voice is the governance token within Hypha. It’s what gives weight behind each member's vote.

Beyond Oligarchies and Plutocracies

Voice is non-transferrable and can only be earned (never bought) this way Hypha moves away from oligarchy/plutocracy models (governance by the wealthy) in systems where voice can be purchased (such as stocks in corporations).

Philosophy of HVoice

Two major intentions with Hypha Voice is to:

  1. Balance the % of a member's HVoice with the % that they’re impacted by decisions. For example, people who’s whole livelihood (have been at Hypha for 3+ years at 100%) are much more affected by decisions than someone who just joined at 10%.

  2. Increase the collective intelligence by consciously distributing HVoice to the most experienced and active members. This is an ongoing exploration and very likely HVoice policies will evolve to improve the distribution of HVoice and our efforts to achieve high-functioning collective intelligence.

Waning Voice

Decentralisation of voice

HVoice wanes (e.g. members holdings are routinely decreased) to prevent concentrations of HVoice and for inactive members to cede decision-making to active members (passing on to the latter generations).

Hypha voice has a 1-year half-life. Meaning, the voice you earned today will only be half as valuable today as it is 1 year from now. This ensures the continual decentralisation of the governance of Hypha (as demonstrated in the graphic above).

Example: Lets say a member joins Hypha and starts contributing at the same level as an existing member who’s been here for 10+ years. After about 3-4 years of contributing these members will have roughly the same Voice, even though the existing member is 10+ years senior.

Transition of HVoice from inactive members to active

Inactive members slowly lose their HVoice. After ~3-4 years they have very little ability to impact decisions within Hypha.

Last updated